
Eternal Quon ( Towa no Quon ) is a Japanese supernatural animated film series directed by Umanosuke Iida. The action series consists of six films. The anime is set in futurist Tokyo where unique human beings develop strange supernatural abilities and are known as ‘Attractors’. These humans are being targeted by a secret organisation caused ‘Custos’ which consists of a special division of cyborgs especially made to fight the attractors. As the anime progresses we find that the attractors are not bad and don’t mean any harm to the humans, they are themselves scared of not being able to control their power. Quon is one of the oldest attractors and is determined to save the others and provide them a safe place to live. But there are many times where the Custos succeed in killing the attractors and Quon is not able to save them. There are many secrets hiding in Custos as well which are slowly revealed as the anime progresses. When Custos attack the base of attractors, they are forced to leave their safe haven and rush to safety. Quon tries his best to save as many as he can but some of them get captured by Custos. When Quon tries to rescue the attractors he faces the leader of Custos who himself has an ability of his own. In the final battle between Quon and the leader of Custos, Quon is able to awaken god-like power and save everyone.


The anime has some great action scenes especially the last battle between Quon and the leader of Custos is quite interesting. Even though the story is distributed in six films it seems as a continuous series and narrates the plot really well. There are some twists and turns in the story which can catch you off guard. But I wish they had explained Quons’ backstory a little earlier in the series and in some more detail. There are some glimpses of the past of other characters but it is here and there and does not contribute much to show the character development. Love the part where they show that even though cyborgs are mostly machines they still retained some of their human emotions and are able to make rationale decisions at the end. The relationship between Quon and his brother is nice but I wish they had shown more of it. Would recommend the anime for people who like watching shows depicting superpowers and action.

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Published by animerevotaku

I want to share my love of anime with other otakus and anyone else who is interested in it. Through this blog, I share my thoughts on various animes that I've seen so that people who are just starting out on their anime journey can get recommendations and watch those that are relevant to their interests.

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